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Series 3518
Combed Teardrop Ornament
Series 3550 / 3551
Combed Round Ornament
3518_R6 |
3518_13 |
3518_24 |
3518_45 |
3518_61 |
3518_63 |
3518_76 |
3518_81 |
3518_84 |
3518_88 |
3518_96 |
3518_212 |
3518_227 |
3518_R3 |
These ornaments were created from inspiration of hand made glass of the art nouveau period in history. The combed surface decoration styles of Durand and Tiffany are kept alive in spirit in this work. Availability of transparent or opaque colors as shown, approximate length is 4.5 inches.
$32.00 Each
3551_227 |
3550_13 |
3550_24 |
3550_45 |
3550_212 |
3550_R3 |
3550_R6 |
3551_61 |
3551_63 |
3551_76 |
3551_81 |
3551_84 |
3551_88 |
3551_96 |
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These ornaments, like the teardrop shapes on the far left of the page, have derived inspiration from the art nouveau period in history. Offering a round shape provides you with a design choice. Again, availability is in either transparent or opaque base colors, approximate diameter, 3.5 inches.
$30.00 Each